Success Stories

Who: John, Dublin

Status on enrolling: John was very busy at work, with little time to prioritise meals or exercise.  As a legal firm director, who used to run competitively, he was feeling, at age 55 ‘past it’, to use his own words! I vehemently disagreed. The only thing wrong with John was his attitude, I was quick to remind him that his health was, in fact, good. We agreed on a 25 pound weight-loss goal (over 12 weeks). We identified that his entertaining of clients, with meals and bottles of fine wine, needed to be addressed head-on, as well as an erratic travel schedule and ten hour work days.

What we achieved together:

John began to prioritise three meals a day, even when travelling. I taught him how to navigate any menu, in any setting, from Heathrow to Hawaii. The principles are transferable. We addressed travel days and how to get sleep and movement scheduled on even the craziest week. Exercise was scheduled on a week-to-week basis until John took charge of this himself (took a little while). Ultimately, we took the surprise out of unusual days and dealt with common scenarios which were not all that surprising really!

What worked:

Dealing very specifically with the weekly challenges John faced. Taking the guesswork away. Having rules about how to choose foods in a balanced way, under all sorts of conditions. Prioritising sleep and exercise played a huge role in keeping habits consistent. The self-efficacy kicked in here, when John’s muscle memory came back! He used to run. He remembered how good that made him feel.

The results:

After three short months John’s fitness and strength returned to levels not seen for over a decade. Feelings of wellbeing and ease returned, in general, with improved sleep patterns an unforeseen bonus. John lost 21 pounds, mostly of fat, with some muscle gain. The focus on the weighing scale faded as he felt better than he had in years!

Who: Simone, Munster

Status on enrolling: As a peri-menopausal woman of 48, Simone was feeling bulky, bloated and bewildered!  Busy with running her business, a stressful home-life and a number of dependents Simone did not have time, energy or head-space to focus on herself. She felt she was disappearing under a pile of laundry, paperwork and duties.

Simone was confused by how her weight would not budge of a plateau she had reached, on her weight-loss journey, six months earlier. She ate very little, exercised consistently, but could not manage to shift the last 10 pounds she desperately wanted to in order to fit into her fabulous wardrobe of, mostly, unworn clothes. Belly fat was her biggest issue.

What we achieved together:

On delving into Simone’s day I found many stressors that were compounding her woes. She ran on empty, a lot, telling her body that she was in ‘famine mode’. When she eventually sat to eat, at night, she tended towards quick-fix foods, for obvious reasons. I needed to address this directly. We scheduled food shopping, preparation and cooking /assembly time on weekends and once mid-week (only). She began to eat more (terrified at first!) and found her energy sky-rocket. This was such a boost to Simone that she started to believe in my methods from there!

What worked:

Removing Simone’s fear of overeating took a little time. When she discovered she could lose weight while eating plenty she was relieved and delighted. Her stress levels began to reduce and this, in itself, helped her to deal with emotional/stress eating. Family mealtimes were restored and a formality put back around mealtimes; taking the time to sit and eat consciously.

The results:

Simone lost 12 pounds over eight weeks. Progress was slow but consistent. Having spent many years dieting she expected a faster weight-loss. She was very happy to overachieve, in time, while eating well, for the first time. No food was banned or forced on her! With increased energy and a renewed interest in exercise, she explored resistance training and found a new interest in the gym and swimming. Her biggest result (by her own measure) was to find peace around food.; something she had not felt since she was a young teen.

You can achieve the weight, health and fitness you’ve always desired – starting today

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I’m passionate about your health, well being and nutritional status.

Enroll today & ask me anything!